Bogolan Mud Cloth Painting At The ZCC
In its’ strategy of diversification and improved opportunities to Mali’s Vulnerable children, ACFA has now implemented an arts program. On February 10, 2024, the ACFA Zorokoro Children’s Complex (ZCC) hosted its first new artistic event: mud cloth painting, known in the Bambara language in Mali as “bogolan,” meaning “made with the earth.” Bogolan is Mali’s renowned dyeing technique of cotton material, made with natural dyes.
This event was made possible thanks to the pro bono support of Korka Kassogue, a renowned Malian artist designer, comedian, and photographer. After introduction to the concept of bogolan, the tools, cloth, paintbrush etc., and observation of Korka’s execution of a sample, the children were each given their own canvas to paint on their own. This opportunity for the children to express their creativity and see it come to fruition with a final product is priceless for their psychology and support to self-esteem.
This design workshop, organized in the cultural corner of ACFA’s library, and included in our education program, will be followed by other artists who have already expressed interest in sharing their expertise with ACFA children in dance, photography, painting, music, etc.
ZCC children enjoy these moments that put them in contact with other people and they love to experience new activities. Art is a good way of expression for children and can help educators to detect talents and provide guidance for vocational training.