Our Four Kickoff Solutions Scholarship Recipients Have Mentoring Session
ACFA Kickoff Solutions scholarship recipients - Diakassan, Bassan, Kadiatou and Awa.
ACFA’s girls meeting with mentor Subrotah from Kickoff Solutions with support from Founder Kadiatou and Board Chair Lisa.
On November 21st, 2021, Subrotah and Anand from KickOff Solutions conducted a mentoring session via Zoom with the four ACFA girls who are recipients of the KickOff Solutions scholarships. KickOff Solutions is a non-profit focusing on enabling continuity of sport for empowerment of disadvantaged girls. KickOff Solutions provides a two-year scholarship for each girl to participate in sports and provides mentoring for the girls. Subrotah and Anand, both Google employees, are providing mentoring for the girls through regular Zoom meetings.
ACFA is honored to be KickOff Solutions’ choice for their inaugural international outreach. Indeed, ACFA is the first recipient of KickOff Solutions’ scholarships, outside of India. For the November call, founder and CEO Kadiatou helped facilitate the conversation, translating French and English, and Board Chair Lisa supported their conversations. The venue provided an opportunity for the girls to tell Subrotah and Anand about their academic goals, and their participation in sports.
Working on her dream to become a journalist, Awa has been interning with N’Daar TV, a local TV station while enjoying playing basketball.
Bassan continues her taekwondo training and learned hairbraiding and hairdressing this past summer. She wants to become a nurse. Bassan is even featured on the Kickoff Solutions website.
Bassan featured on the Kickoff Solutions website.
Diakassan continues to win medals and was the Mali Champion in fencing for her age group, a title that she has held for the past three years.
Kadiatou continues to thrive in taekwondo and hairbraiding. Both she and Diakassan were recipients of this year’s national exam to enter high school, and have since joined Awa who is in her 2nd high school year.
Both Subrotah and Anand would like for the girls to become computer literate and leverage their potential leadership roles by becoming an inspiration to younger girls, particularly the new younger girls in ACFA’s care.
Learn more about KickOff Solutions here.