Meet ACFA's 2019 Interns

Lauren Kissela is a sophomore at the George Washington University double majoring in Public Health and Environmental Studies.  She is learning Spanish and French, and her professional background is in direct care of adults with cognitive disabilities. She is passionate about A Child for All because it targets the social determinants of health, effectively setting the stage for the vulnerable children it serves to have healthy, successful, and independent lives.  

Kyle DiPietrantonio is a sophomore at George Washington University majoring in International Affairs with a concentration in International Development. He is double minoring in Spanish and Public Policy. His interests include photography, Jiu-Jitsu, and language-learning.

Mei Ling Wilson is a sophomore studying international affairs, with a concentration in international security policy, at The George Washington University. She has previously interned at the U.S. Senate and  hopes to get involved with international policy research organizations and think tanks in the future.

Lisa Maina and she is a junior at the George Washington University.  She is majoring in Public Health with a minor in Statistics and she is very passionate about issues affecting African youth. 


Diakassan Excels Academically


Staff from US Embassy in Mali do Martin Luther King Day of service at ACFA's Bamako children's home