Combined Federal Campaign

The new year is a great time to make the resolution to help those around you. If you are a federal or government employee, it is easier now than ever to donate to your favorite cause. With over 200 available charities, federal, government, and military services members of the United States can make a tax exempt payroll deduction donation to their charity of choice with the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Each pledge lasts for a year, with open enrollment to choose your charity of choice running from September to January. 

Here's how it works:

  • During the CFC open enrollment period, find the cause that speaks most to you. You can find available charities here.

  • Notify your employer and fill out a pledge form, selecting your donation amount.

  • Each year, fill out a new pledge form to continue your donation status or to choose a new charity. 

A Child for All (ACFA) is currently a participant in the CFC. If you are a US federal, government, or military service member and would like to make ACFA your charity of choice this year, please use our CFC number when filling out your pledge form:


Thank you for your continued support for ACFA. 

If you are not a federal, government, or military service member, please consider donating to ACFA through our website.

Thank You!

Everything we do is only possible with YOUR support. 


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